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An enlightening workshop for couples (any gender) which introduces Tantric Divine love-making techniques & everyday Mindfulness to promote and enhance your relationship. Whether you are a complete novice, newly attached and in the throes of exciting discovery or long-time partners, this is a MUST for any couple.

Laughingly, I recall that aged 18, I thought I knew EVERYTHING, just because I had experienced sex: The transition

to womanhood.

What more was there to know?

How wrong I was and how laughable that notion would be for anyone over 30. We are learning new ideas and experiencing new ways of doing things every day of our lives - if we are open to change.

Throughout almost twenty years of working with some wonderful clients, I have been privileged to witness the healing process on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. One of the saddest admissions made by clients is that they have no physical enjoyment in an otherwise loving relationship. But, what can they do? How can they recapture what they once had? How can they approach their partner without offending them or embarrassing themselves?

Well, THIS WORKSHOP might be a good place to start.

There are many aspects we will focus upon during the workshops, through fun, practical exercises, role playing and discussion. Pssst! Key to having a fabulous relationship is COMMUNICATION. That oh-so-typical British Stiff Upper lip syndrome has a lot to answer for. Let's throw out the myths and the mayhem and look at our partner with fresh eyes, listen with open ears, touch and caress the skin of this beautiful person who we have chosen to share our lives with and surrender, opening to the potential for change.

When was the last time you really opened up to your partner and discussed your innermost feelings? Be honest. Are you in the habit of 'grinning and bearing it,' clamming up in case you upset your partner? Or, do you s n a p at the slightest hint of criticism or perceived judgement and flatly rebuke any suggestion or comment that does not fit in with your way of thinking?

And, let's ask that all important question: When did you last experience BLISS? (You know, that unhurried, mind-blowing, toe-curling, full body, infinite state of happiness where time is suspended and your body becomes part of everything that IS, the whole universe is drumming your beat ...... ) What, never??!!

Dates and Venues will be published shortly.

Ghyll Manor, Rupser - 20th OCTOBER 2018 TBA

email for more details

  • Learn how to let your partner know what works for you and what works for them. You might be surprised.

  • Learn how to reconnect intimately after physical separation, whether that be that through illness, loss of libido, mistrust, weariness or body shame.

  • Be adventurous and learn how to make Divine Blissful Love.

  • Discover the secrets of Tantra.

.... and so much more!

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